Tag: Career
Discussion with Susanne Tedrick: Developing a Game Plan to Thrive as Technology Evolves
I recently met with Susanne Tedrick, Cloud Solution Specialist, to learn how women of color can jump-start, transition to or further evolve their career in technology, her new book Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators, and how tech professionals can stay relevant in today’s…
Student Challenge 2018-2020
The Student Challenge has ended. I’d like to thank every who participated in the MOOC and Online Course Student Challenge. As of today, the student challenge has officially ended. I appreciate all of you who participated and shared your accomplishments. Thanks to you I was able to try several new online educational platforms including Lynda.com,…
My Quote in NSA-IL Speaker Academy Flyer – Spring 2017
Looks like I received a mention in the Spring 2017 NSA Illinois Speakers Academy. Back in 2013, I participated in a professional speaker training/workshop offered by the National Speakers Association – Illinois Chapter. I enjoyed the training so much that I returned in 2014, as an alumni, to ensure that the lessons taught by their…
Interview with Ed Fisher – System Engineer: @GreatTechPros
In this episode of Great Tech Pros Wylie Blanchard interviews Ed Fisher, System Engineer and CEO of Ed Fishers and Associates. Ed shares what he has learned over his 30+ year career as a technology professional. Originally posted at www.greattechpros.com. Excerpt from the Interview: Wylie Blanchard: What key certifications and/or degrees are prominent for networking and system engineering – I T…
Nine Professional Speakers Complete NSA-IL Speakers Academy: @NSA-IL.org
I received a mention in the National Speakers Association – Illinois Chapter April 2014 Press Release. Here’s a recap of the press release. Originally posted at nsa-il.org. Westmont, IL – Nine participants completed the NSA-IL Speakers Academy on Thursday, March 27, 2014. The six-session course, sponsored by National Speakers Association – Illinois, took place January 10 –…
Measure the Effectiveness of your Business Website: @GreatTechPros
Measuring the effectiveness of your business website is a very important question for entrepreneurs who are working to bring in new business through the … www.greattechpros.com
Welcome to 2014 – Happy New Year: @Facebook
Happy New Year everyone. 2013 was a great year. I admire everyone who took a class, learned a new skill or went back to school this year. You’ve improved your self image & self worth which leads to an improved earning potential. Welcome to 2014. www.facebook.com